
Monday, 21 May 2018


Beloveth; Exodus 15:26 gives us an insight into the identity, mission and assignment of the One that I call JEHOVAH Overdo. He said these words thousands of years ago and He has not changed His ways. He has not exhausted His healing power, and the devil and the kingdom of darkness have not yet been able to come up with a sickness or infirmity that my JEHOVAH Rapha cannot deal with. Hear His words again and let them strengthen your faith today, I will put none of these diseases upon you... None means None! It means that you will never be afflicted by God with any of those diseases. Instead, what will He do? I am the Lord that heals you. This means that He will take those diseases from you and keep them from coming upon you and all yours this year! There is no bond or chain that Satan and his demons can use that your God cannot break and destroy! I decree and declare, Arrows of spending your money on sickness shall be reversed! Those using sickness to reduce you will dry up! Every plan to disgrace you will scatter! That plan to move your life and ministry into reverse gear will backfire in Jesus name! Amen! Good morning!

Sunday, 20 May 2018


Beloveth; I call your God, JEHOVAH the season changer! No man or woman is allowed to change your season than your God! When men plan to demote you, then they are planning to change your season from promo season to demo season. When they try to hit you with depression, they are trying to change your season from joy season to tears season. But the Holy Ghost wants you to know that the only season changer is Jehovah! He is so wise that He can change your friends /close trusted people from season to season. So stop crying when some people walk out of your life or ministry! Do you know the harm these people can cause you in future? Do you know that relevant people today can become rebellious people tomorrow? Let the God of times and seasons do His work in your life and ministry! God doesn't want you to just be natural! He wants you to be supernatural! He does not want you to be described as a once-upon-a-time person! He is about to stop your demotion! He will cause hero to zero arrow to backfire! You will shine again! Happy Sunday!

Saturday, 19 May 2018


Beloveth; A rose is very glamorous and beautiful flower. Is it possible for something beautiful to survive in desert conditions? Yes! And your life, family and ministry will prove it this year. Psalm 92:12 says: The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. The palm tree and the desert rose are wonderful lessons for the believer! As the desert rose flourishes and looks beautiful where every other plant is withering and drying up, so will your life be in this year 2018, even in any harsh, desert season as you journey through life! The environment may be dry, the economy crashing, politicians may be stealing all the money, jobs may be scarce and the future may be bleak, yet you and your family will blossom this year! You shall be like a cedar in Lebanon! So shall your portion be! Demotion shall not be your name! The desert of your life will blossom this year because the SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS (JESUS CHRIST) will shine on you again! You shall not move from grace to grass! Hero to zero will not be your story! That demotion or rise and fall plan will scatter! Amen! Good morning!

Friday, 18 May 2018


Beloveth; I don't believe that God is so wicked as to punish His people with sickness, losses or pain, but I believe that God's people may pass through some light afflictions, which worketh for them a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. He allowed Abraham to go through all the stress of offering Isaac because He had a greater plan. You are not an exception! No matter what you are allowed to pass through, your life, family and ministry shall fulfill all of God's plans for you! I prophesy as I am led now: Concerning this year 2018, your life and ministry shall be bad news for the devil! Your laughter shall be loud and heard from afar off! Any divinely -allowed pain shall become your ladder of gain, but it shall become the tears and disgrace of your enemies! Your shall not go down or see shame as your last bus-stop in Jesus name! Amen! Good morning!

Thursday, 17 May 2018


Beloveth; The Lord is the Light that no man can approach! He is the Sun of righteousness and yet He is the CONSUMING FIRE! He will not acquit the wicked or allow the present trials you are experiencing to be forever. So refuse to envy those who you think are not as prayerful as you are but are more prosperous. As the night gives way to the morning, so will your present breakthrough delay expire this year! God is not slow or sluggish! He is planning for you and your family. It took Abraham 25 years to wait for Isaac. In John 2, The delayed wine at the marriage feast was the best wine! Your present delay is not denial! It will be a demotion /shame for your enemies at last. This generation will marvel at your testimony. Open your mouth and declare seven times now: MY LIFE IS A MIRACLE ABOUT TO HAPPEN. I refuse to quit now because I know that in His silence or delay, my God Jehovah has a plan. Amen! Good morning!

Wednesday, 16 May 2018


Beloveth; Psalm 7:9 says, Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end. But establish the just; For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds. God is patiently tolerating things that He totally unacceptable! He hates sin and wickedness and temporarily permits their operation to allow time for the sinner to repent and also He allows time for the crucial issues raised by Satan's lie to Adam and eve at Eden to be settled once and for all. The lie was that God was a forceful dictator! But the truth is that your God is a God of justice! Since justice delayed is justice denied, I dare add quickly that forced justice is justice denied. So are you still asking why is God slow? No He is not! Keep trusting! He has a plan! Your enemies will never laugh last! Amen! Good morning!

Tuesday, 15 May 2018


Beloveth; A little boy approached a very successful man and said "I want to be successful like you and the successful man replied "go and fail more. The little boy said "but people will laugh at me if fail. The successful man replied "they laughed at me too but many of them who laughed at me then, pay me today to listen to how I failed and some work in my factories. As the boy was leaving with a sad face, the successful man called him and said "don't quit on your dream until people will laugh at you start working for you. In this year 2018, what the Holy Ghost is saying to you is the same advice that the successful man gave the little boy: No matter how your past years have been, don't quit on your dream until people who laughed at you start laughing with you. And indeed, men shall laugh with you. Judges 11:7-11, those that mocked Jephthah later celebrated him. Those that called him a bastard, later baptised him with praise and adoration. Indeed, Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it's the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering 'I will try again tomorrow. Hold on! This world will hear your voice! Good morning!

Monday, 14 May 2018


Beloveth; When you face a dead end, don't focus on what you can't do. Focus instead on what God can do. Positive thinking works well in situations you can control and not in situations beyond your control. But positive thinking is not faith! They are two very different things! I repeat: In situations that are out of your control, positive thinking is worthless. It is just wishful thinking. It doesn't change the situation. When you face things that are out of your control, you need something more than a positive mental attitude. You need faith in God, because He can control it when you can't. Most of life is beyond your control, so you need faith far more than you need positive thinking! Jesus says in Luke 18:27, What is impossible with man is possible with God. God specializes in the impossible and He is ready to turn your dead end into a deliverance end! Never, ever give up! Something amazing is about to happen! Good morning!

Sunday, 13 May 2018


Beloveth; In this year of divine lifting; wait for God to locate you where you are. Don't change your divine position, faith or belief due to delays or battles. God knows your seat! Don't try to be smart and miss His blessings. There are times to make things happen and there are times to allow things to happen. Hurry can lead to sorry at last! So be patient and wait for His divine timing! Never cut down a tree in the winter time! Never make your most important decisions when you are in worst mood! Wait! Be patient! The storm will pass! The spring will come! The race is not for the swift! It is not by power or might! Stop running around big men or women! It's not by who you know! It is by His mercy and grace! Seek His mercy and grace this year! You will never end up in shame in Jesus name. Amen and Amen! Happy Sunday!

Saturday, 12 May 2018


Beloveth; The Holy Ghost wants you to know that in this year 2018, it is the little things that make big things happen! The Lord wants you to know that while it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things are extraordinary. Small things can cause the defeat of destinies! Also, small things can cause the promotion of destinies. Don't forget that Bethlehem was the smallest city in Judah, yet Jehovah God decided to change the destiny of this world through that little despised Bethlehem just like Nazareth (John 1:46)! No wonder the Bible says that: For who hath despised the day of small things? For they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel (Zechariah 4:10). Note also, Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase (Job 8:7). Never dispise little things! Just a little lie, immorality, anger, careless sleep, gossip, etc, can become the little foxes that can disgrace your life! Do a search on the little things you do around your life and ministry. Watch it! They may make or mar you! Good morning!

Friday, 11 May 2018


Beloveth; Indeed, we are living in the very last days of this age and many more events, satanic church, etc, will keep emerging but you must stay focused on the true and living Word of God! This is no more the time for sitting on the fence! It is either you are on fire for God or you will sink! This is not the time to dilute or compromise the Word! Jude 3 says; Contend for the faith of old! Contend means to fight! The Holy Ghost is saying: Fight to keep the faith of old! Remember Samson who had his eyes plucked out and was put in captivity! But do you know that millions of believers today, like Samson have had their spiritual eyes plucked out and they are in captivity to so many kinds of gospels that have deviated from the faith of old? Only by reading the Word for themselves like the Berean Christians can their eyesight be restored! To believe in something and not to live it, is dishonest. To say you are a child of God but you live like a child of hell, is a shame! Refuse to join the end -time mixed multitude! Good morning!

Thursday, 10 May 2018


Beloveth; Your God is so great that even what you call infinity is just a limit to Him! You need to ignore what everyone else is doing and achieving - your life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live your best life. You are not in competition with anyone else, plan to outdo your past, not other people. Think big! Ask big! Act big! The sky has never been the limit for any child of God! The book of Jeremiah 32:27 says, Behold, I am the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for me to do? What can He not do! Foolishly follow and obey every prophetic instruction this year watch the game changer change the rules for your sake! Ignore the facts! Live by faith! Think big! Good morning!

Wednesday, 9 May 2018


Beloveth; It doesn't matter if you failed. At least you passed the concept on to others. Even if you don't succeed, someone will succeed. You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and falling over. Anything you can imagine probably is doable, you just have to imagine it and work on it. If you want to stand out from the crowd, give people a reason not to forget you. Good morning.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018


Beloveth; Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. Gratitude for where you are will provoke the great attitude of joy! Stop looking at others! Your joy or sorrow depends on you and not the government, economy of your country, your job and business, spouse, wealth or financial level, etc. The happiest people don't have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything! Happy people focus on what they have, while unhappy people focus on what is missing! As 2018 marches on, determine that nothing will rob you of a happy life in Christ because delay is not denial and your best is yet to come!  Happiness is a decision only you can take! Good morning!

Monday, 7 May 2018


Beloveth; What is source of true happiness? Can a man or government really give you happiness? Why do people in well-planned and well-ruled societies of the world still commit suicide? What the Holy Ghost is saying to you this morning is: Don't depend on any man, woman, government, spouse, job, friends, career or business, etc, to be happy! Your happiness is a decision you take to stay positive despite your many battles! Your happiness is a decision you take to stay positive because you know that every allowed battle will work out for your good at last! Your happiness is a decision you take never to allow depression because you have decided to stay positive despite your many battles! It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about. Good morning.

Sunday, 6 May 2018


Beloveth; the Holy Ghost is saying to you this morning that no mistake should become your cemetery! No mistake should become your prison house of daily regrets. There is room for a u-turn. Even when you cannot undo what has been done, trust God to turn every past error to your hero story! We all make mistakes in life! The mistake is not what is important! What is more important is the lesson learnt from that mistake! Stop allowing the past to hurt you! Learn and move on! A wise man said: Don't carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones. And always remember: If it's good, wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. In the book of Joshua 7:1-26; when Joshua discovered the mistake Israel had made, he took steps to correct it. Achan and his family were eliminated, the nation bounced back again to defeat Ai. Determine to turn around! Your best days are ahead! Happy Sunday!

Saturday, 5 May 2018


Beloveth; Job 8:7 says, Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Wherever you are today, God can catapult you higher and higher if you keep seeing where you are going against all odds! Remember; you are the product of the choices you make, not the circumstances that that you face. The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what you are and what you could become. Indeed, giving up is a waster! I see you rising higher and higher in Jesus name! Good morning!

Friday, 4 May 2018


Beloveth; It is never too late to fulfill a dream! In 2kings 23:2, king Josiah gathered the children of Israel together to renew their covenant with God. Are you becoming lukewarm in your commitment to God? This is the time to renew and return to your first love Him! Jeremiah 3:22 says, Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Are you living a life of hypocrisy? Stop it now, do the needful and cut off whatever can take you to hell. As 2018 runs on, hold on to that dream! A dream doesn't become reality through Magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. Delay is not denial! Good morning!

Thursday, 3 May 2018


Beloveth; The Holy Ghost is saying to you today: kill and go! Pity no stubborn enemy who determined to stop your life and destiny! There are some of us who pity those who create unnecessary Bus-stops for us in life. Instead of dealing decisively with them, we allow them to cause anguish and sorrow in our lives. The Saints have a mandate, to execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; to blind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute upon them the judgment written. I prophesy to you; this year, many Goliaths will die and the David in you will be decorated! In the same vein, many walls of Jericho must collapse! A Goliath in your life deserves nothing else but death; a wall of Jericho in your way must collapse for you to pass through! And whether they like it or not, you must pass through! Good morning!

Wednesday, 2 May 2018


Beloveth; No matter what you are going through now, God will keep you alive to testify in Jesus name. The animals had one thing they held on to: They knew that so long as they could breathe, they would live! So they stuck out their nostrils from the freezing water. In the same way, you need to keep your head above the waters (problems, situations, challenges, etc) in order to keep moving on. In any adversity or negative battle, stick out your faith! Stick out your prayer life by force and keep breathing! If Satan can dilute your prayer life, then he has attacked your engine room! Refuse to allow depression and fear! Keep moving! Stick out your nose and your neck! Look up to God! Walk by faith! You will make it! Amen! Good morning!

Tuesday, 1 May 2018


Beloveth; No matter what you have passed through before, in this new month of divine settlement, please trust God because whether the devil likes it or not, I prophesy to you; you will wear your garment of celebration, rulership and honour!  In Genesis 41:14-45, Each garment Joseph wore also represented a change of season! In this new month get ready for God Himself will settle you! Where you are now is not forever! Know that it is God who strategically allows each season to come because He is preparing you for your promised land! Your glory garment is unstoppable! Happy new month!