
Tuesday, 30 January 2018


Beloveth; The Holy Ghost is passing a message across your destiny pathway today: In this world of deceit, stick to the truth always! Stick to the truth always is winning principle in life and ministry and it will help you to defeat enemies in 2018! It will also take away the garment of shame and accelerate your decoration! Proverbs 19:5 says, A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who speaks lies will not escape. It is saying that he who speaks lies will not escape from SHAME AT LAST! In this new year, form a strong habit of always telling the truth, in and out of church, in rain or in sunshine. Lying may look like a way out, but it is actually a way into EVENTUAL DISGRACE. Lying is the language of the devil. Walk in truth and no matter how the devil and his demonic lawyers want to entangle and confuse you as you walk through life keep saying the truth all the time! Good morning!

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