Monday, 30 April 2018
Beloveth; Your God is called the Man of war! The flesh and other spiritual forces that fight against your victory in this present world can equally be dominated. A strong prayer life, a deep commitment to the study of the scriptures and a careful study of the lives of past spiritual giants are some prerequisites for victory. Your God is a Man of war! Israel is a nation of wars! Abraham was a warrior! He had a personal army that defeated five kings/nations! So, you are from a family of wars! Fear not! You will win all battles at last! The Lord will grant you victory in Jesus name! Good morning!
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Beloveth; Isaiah 53:3 says, He is despised and of men. This is talking about Jesus. He was dispised and scoffed at. He was dispised and rejected, so that you can be favoured, accepted and celebrated before men. He was crowned with thorns so that you can be crowned with glory and honour! Everything that my Saviour tolerated and endured was for your sake. He bore all your rejection and shame so that you won't have to bear them again. Maybe you are downcast and discouraged with yourself because of things that have happened. Maybe someone that you trusted and regarded so much has said some nasty and ugly things about you and you feel ashamed and rejected. But your God is sending me to you right now! Look at yourself through the eyes of God's love! Your name is not the rejected. Your new name in Christ is the favoured. Your future is bigger and more beautiful than your past! Your new name is FAVOUR! HAPPY SUNDAY!
Saturday, 28 April 2018
Beloveth; The Spirit of God is asking you today: What are you saying of the Lord? David was bold to call the Lord his refuge and fortress! That was why he lived in the territory of the Philistines for many years when he was running away from Saul! He trusted the Lord to keep him and preserve him, and he was bold to say it! You need to give up this victim language and start talking to yourself like a winner. Note this: It is not the giants in life that defeat you! It is not the storms of life that defeat you! If you are defeated, it is because you have defeated yourself by wrong thinking, wrong beliefs and wrong speaking! If you are going to see God's deliverance, you must say the right things of the Lord. If you are going to see God's provisions, you must say the things of the Lord! The words which do not give the light of Christ, increase the darkness. No matter the battles confronting you, detemine to say great things about your God! What you say is what He becomes to you! Good morning!
Friday, 27 April 2018
Beloveth; As you journey in this season; God shall distract an enemy from you! He will give your haters battles that will make them to forget you in Jesus name! Their rage and wickedness will consume them! Their secret evil plots will end up as nothing! They shall fall for your sake! Their determined counsel against you and all yours, will expire and backfire against them! Every satanic rage /anger against your decoration hour, glory hour, favour hour, promotion, health and open doors, etc, shall be diverted today and daily this year! Good morning!
Thursday, 26 April 2018
Beloveth; psalm 74:20 reveals: Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty. Cruelty also means great wickedness, rage and anger! Habitations of cruelty are the factions of satanic wickedness! It is the territory of anti-decoration powers! But they shall miss your address this year because your decoration is not negotiable! They cannot turn your decoration to desecration because power pass power! Every satanic rage and madness targeted at your decoration party will catch fire and scatter this year in Jesus name. I prophesy: Those planning to rubbish your changed garment shall run mad this year. Good morning.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
Beloveth; The Holy Ghost wants you to know that are times when you must lose to gain this year! Allow God to handle your life and pass you through His divine grinding mill for a work in putting others first. Compromise will hinder your decoration and land you in regrets and disgrace, refuse it! Refuse to be a divider wherever you go! Understand this: A self-centered life is totally empty! Reject compromise in 2018! Put others first sometimes, even if it means it is a sacrificial price you must pay and you will never know shame! Amen! Good morning!
Tuesday, 24 April 2018
Beloveth; Hebrews 9:27 proclaims: It is appointed for a man to die but once... Notice that it did not say, It is appointed for a man to be killed but once. So refuse to be killed by armed robbers, laziness, sickness, accidents, hired assassins or manipulation such as witches and wizards, etc. Psalm 91:16 declares: with a long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation. Also see Exodus 23:26, There shall nothing cast their young nor be barren in thy land; the number of thy days, I will fulfill. Then, Isaiah 46:4 summaries: And even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs will I carry you. I have made and I will bear; even I will carry and will deliver you. Yes! This is the covenant of long life: Death in old age with satisfaction! Remind God daily of this word in this year 2018, stand in the gap for your loved ones using the same covenant! You will not struggle in the valley of life again! You will not die before your time! You cannot be touched and you cannot be killed! Your life/ministry is too hot for Satan this year! But stay within the hedge! Watch! Avoid sin! Good morning!
Monday, 23 April 2018
Beloveth; In these end times, the wicked do not rest! You must be vigilant! What can make you to escape the arrows of the wicked is called special divine favour! When God show you favour, evil arrows will return back to sender! When God shows you favour, you will overtake those who you are envying now! When God show you favour, enemies will bow and confess that there is no God but your God! Good morning!
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Beloveth, God is a giver, not a robber. When God gives, He gives! He doesn't give so that He can hurt! He is the one who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Jesus made it clear in John 10:10 that, the thief comes not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. But I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I decree as an oracle of God, in this year 2018, whatsoever things that the devil has stolen from you; the Lord will bring them back to you in Jesus name! Your new name shall be called favour! Favour is when what you cannot get by your effort is dropped in your hands by mercy! Rejoice for the joy of the Lord is your strength! Happy Sunday!
Saturday, 21 April 2018
Beloveth; the Holy Ghost wants to remind you this morning that you must be sure of God's presence and approval before stepping out into any place, project or goal. The Bible is full of promises about the accompanying presence of God. For instance, 2chronicles 16:9says, For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong on the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.... Psalm 91:11says, For He shall give His angels charge over thee, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Moses said to God categorically, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence (Exodus 33:15). God told him, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Yes! His presence is your rest! His presence is your peace! His presence is your security! Resist whatever will grieve the Lord or your angel! Yes! Your angel is always watching! Resist that secret sin, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc, as you go out daily! Always remember that in all you do and wherever you go, your angel is watching! Live holy! Don't break the hedge of your security! Good morning!
Friday, 20 April 2018
Beloveth; the Holy Ghost is asking you: what are you eating spiritually? What you eat is a strong determinant of your victory or defeat in times of life's battles! The book John 6:48-58, focus on what you should eat to have life everlasting _ The bread of life. What are you feeding on? Pornography, worldliness, dating multiple men and women, drunkenness, bitterness, masturbation, lesbianism, homosexual, fraud and deceit, amorous TV/radio programmes, etc? Ah, all these will lead to everlasting death! Watch the books you read! Watch the things you feed your eyes on! They will slow down your race and quench your fire for God! Change your diet today! Good morning!
Thursday, 19 April 2018
Beloveth; As you journey in this year 2018, be careful; your friends can give you advice contrary to God's will. Always wait till God speaks! Never allow anyone, however well intentioned, to persuade you to do what you know is wrong or what you are not sure of! If you actually trust God enough that His plans for you are of good and not of evil, then you would not do anything contrary to His timing! Seek His timetable in all things! Good morning!
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Beloveth; Worry is one the greatest hindrances to prayer, and visibly a waste of time. No wonder Jesus said it adds nothing to you (Matthew 6:27). Worry is the assassin of dreams! It is the kidnapper of joy and the mocker of your decoration story! Yes, it is the demonic hijacker of your mind and the captor of your health! The enemy called worry scatters your moods, destroys creativity and depletes your sense of completion which comes from within. Why do you wrestle so much with things you can't change? Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble. Hear God's prescription for worry -Philippines 4:6; Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and Him for all He has done in advance! Good morning!
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Beloveth; If you have always carefully studied the life of great men, one thing is common to them all: TIME MANAGEMENT. Your greatest possession is your next twenty four hours. How will spend them? Wise people invest their time, while unwise people spend their time! So when you get up each morning, look in the mirror and say, Today, I will live my life according to God's will, and give my energy to the things that help me fulfill it! Your priorities determine how you spend your time! How you spend your time determines how you spend your day! How you spend your day determines how you spend your life! So, set your priorities prayerfully and maintain them carefully. Success comes from doing the right things right, and letting the rest go! Eliminate non-essentials! Root out time wasters! Manage and start investing your time today because tomorrow is pregnant! Good morning!
Monday, 16 April 2018
Beloveth; The Holy Ghost wants you to know that Satan sends out fake alerts daily, concerning your life, family and ministry! He uses delays or circumstances to create fear and panic and attacks your faith in God! 1peter 5:8 says: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. The only Lion is Jesus Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah! Every other lion is fake and a noise maker! Glory be to God! What Satan does is to roar and cause you to fear your future! He roars and causes you to question the integrity of your God! He roars and causes you to run to worry /anxiety land! Resist every satanic fake alert and be still to know that Jehovah is God! Good morning!
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Beloveth; Luke 8:54 says, And He put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise. I know someone may be asking, since God is the Almighty, why was He not able to raise the dead without putting certain people away? But truth is that even the Almighty God cannot do much in a wrong environment! God wants you to know that you cannot see certain levels of power and grace in your life, family and ministry without certain people leaving your life! Abraham had a clearer vision of what God wanted him to do after Lot left him. Some people must go for you to see your next level! There are people that you are emotionally bonded to, but until some of them leave your life, you cannot see your decoration land! Happy Sunday!
Saturday, 14 April 2018
Beloveth; The Holy Ghost is saying: talent /charisma is not enough' God does not want you to be a talented man or woman who will end up in hell! Do you want to be a successful man or woman who will cry out last. Oh! I missed heaven? So, He, Jehovah the garment changer, passes you through some harsh battles to build your character! Want to develop your character? Follow Jeremiah's footsteps! Be different! Let your hands be clean! Let your words be your bond! Be faithful! Don't take advantage of others! Run from whatever you know is wrong even if there is no immediate gain! Never compare yourself to others! Always remember: Talent is cheaper than table salt and charisma without character is equal to an everlasting HAD_I_KNOW! Good morning!
Friday, 13 April 2018
Beloveth; Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see. Your gift will get you noticed, separate you from the rest of the pack and give you a head start above others. But your advantage will only last so long! The toughest thing about success is you've got to keep working that talent. Talent is cheaper than table salt. That means talent is common and it's not enough for you to win on this planet! What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work, the God factor and character! Character is not your reputation. Reputation is what other people think you are and most people pretend, but character is what you really are! Character is who you are in the dark. Character is who you are when nobody is watching. Character is who you are when you are not in church! Character is the real you, Monday to Saturday night! And God knows your character! Charisma may impress men, but it doesn't impress God. So determine to make sure that your character is in line with the Word as your mirror! Good morning!
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Beloveth; Faith is the most powerful and creative force in the whole universe. Faith is something that can be seen, and until your faith is seen, it may not produce the results that you desire. Luke 5:20 says, When He saw their faith, He said to him, man, your sins are forgiven you. The only thing that provokes Jesus to speak victory over your situation is seeing your faith. How do you show your faith? With your words and with your actions. When your faith speaks, your faith is heard. When your faith acts, your faith is seen. If the enemy cannot stop you from showing your faith, he cannot stop your miracle. There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent, or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul. Determine to hold on to your God and determine to hold out till your glory comes! Amen! Good morning!
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Beloveth; Has God ever asked you to do something unreasonable? You knew that if you had stepped out and done that thing, everyone would have called you stupid, crazy and dumb? Well, the ten lepers in Luke 17:11-19, were asked to do the most unreasonable thing they had ever done. It wasn't just unreasonable, it was risky! They had to obey first before results followed! What has God told you to go and do? It is time to step out and do it whether it makes sense to you or not! God is never going to tell you to do something that will fail! Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Step out today and do that thing that God has put in your heart to do! Walk by faith! Refuse to give in to fear! You will never end up in shame!
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Beloveth; This morning the spirit of God is saying to you, Never let the devil have the last say in your life! Never let your enemy have the final say in your life! Refuse to shut up when you are standing before your giant. Open your mouth and speak words of greater power! What you say can change the story of the game! Numbers 14:28 says, Say to them, As I live' , says the Lord, Just as you have spoken in my hearing, so I will do to you. Did you get that? Your God is Almighty but He says He will come to your level via your words! Your mouth is the prison or the palace of your life! If the devil can stop you from speaking words of faith and courage, he can defeat you! Say what God has said, say what God is saying and He will step into the scene and silence that enemy that is causing tears for your destiny! Good morning!
Monday, 9 April 2018
Beloveth; psalm 107:20 says, He sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. He sent His Word! His Word is powerful! His Word is His messenger! His Word is His ladder to reach you! His is as powerful as He is! Whatever God can do, His Word can do! His Word is strong enough to deal with any issue confronting you! No man rise up and question His Word! As you journey in this year, you must know that, the healthy and strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it. If God has sent His Word to you, then you must allow that Word to do what it has been sent to do! You must hear the Word, believe it, meditate on it, confess it, pray it, act on it and you will never end up in shame in Jesus name! Good morning!
Sunday, 8 April 2018
Beloveth; psalm 103:17 says that the mercy of our God is from everlasting to everlasting. This means that His mercy cannot be exhausted! It is by His mercy that we are not consumed! You are what you are today and where you are today because of God's mercy; not because you are the greatest prayer warrior! Take some time today to praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy, and for His wonderful works to you and your family! Happy Sunday!
Saturday, 7 April 2018
A lot of girls complain that guys walk away from them simply because,they refused giving them sex,some are even tempted to give away their virginity just to keep the guysπ
- Let_me_be_very_blunt_here...π
Virginity may not be the real reason why the guys go away, yes, no doubt, there are several guys who want sex, and if they don't get it, they walk away...that simply means those guys or brothers are not born again (Fake Christian brothers). π¬
The problem may not be the virginity or the sex...π
The story of the Ten virgins in the Bible reveals that both the wise and the foolish were virgins; the other Five were not allowed seeing the bridegroom not because they were virgins or because they lost their virginity...
NO! But because they were foolish and they were called foolish because they had no EXTRA_OIL π. And the EXTRA OIL here is CHARACTER!π
Most girls do not have extra oil to sustain any relationship, while many brag about their virginity, that's all they have to offer. π€
Aside your virginity, what do you have to offer to a man?
- Can you support him spiritually?
- Can you support him physically?
- How about mentally?
All you do is demand money for bag π, shoesπ π , clothes πππ, and outing, making him spend unnecessarily.
Have you ever sit him down, and you help him plan about his future?π
Has he ever seen you as someone he can confide in?π«
How many times has he come being in a state of dilemma seeking advice from you?π
Rather than jumping from one club to another. π΅π±
And for the virgins, they forget that virginity ends after the wedding, but EXTRA OIL continues...
Yes... Nobody is perfect...
We all have our bad sides...
Try to be a woman that a man will always regret losing for the rest of his life...
Be that woman that your man can never afford to lose to another man π.
Build your man to your taste...
And stop looking for a ready made husband πππ.
* Force yourself on that rich dude that you didn't work with to achieve what he has...,
And hear the story of your life from him one day πππ.
- Did You Work With me to achieve all I've got?
- Ever since you've entered this house... What has added to what you met?
* Note:
- There's just nothing as best as building up your man yourself.
- And you will forever earn his respect ✌✌✌.
I hope this piece of advice is useful to all singles and married? π
A lot of girls complain that guys walk away from them simply because,they refused giving them sex,some are even tempted to give away their virginity just to keep the guysπ
- Let_me_be_very_blunt_here...π
Virginity may not be the real reason why the guys go away, yes, no doubt, there are several guys who want sex, and if they don't get it, they walk away...that simply means those guys or brothers are not born again (Fake Christian brothers). π¬
The problem may not be the virginity or the sex...π
The story of the Ten virgins in the Bible reveals that both the wise and the foolish were virgins; the other Five were not allowed seeing the bridegroom not because they were virgins or because they lost their virginity...
NO! But because they were foolish and they were called foolish because they had no EXTRA_OIL π. And the EXTRA OIL here is CHARACTER!π
Most girls do not have extra oil to sustain any relationship, while many brag about their virginity, that's all they have to offer. π€
Aside your virginity, what do you have to offer to a man?
- Can you support him spiritually?
- Can you support him physically?
- How about mentally?
All you do is demand money for bag π, shoesπ π , clothes πππ, and outing, making him spend unnecessarily.
Have you ever sit him down, and you help him plan about his future?π
Has he ever seen you as someone he can confide in?π«
How many times has he come being in a state of dilemma seeking advice from you?π
Rather than jumping from one club to another. π΅π±
And for the virgins, they forget that virginity ends after the wedding, but EXTRA OIL continues...
Yes... Nobody is perfect...
We all have our bad sides...
Try to be a woman that a man will always regret losing for the rest of his life...
Be that woman that your man can never afford to lose to another man π.
Build your man to your taste...
And stop looking for a ready made husband πππ.
* Force yourself on that rich dude that you didn't work with to achieve what he has...,
And hear the story of your life from him one day πππ.
- Did You Work With me to achieve all I've got?
- Ever since you've entered this house... What has added to what you met?
* Note:
- There's just nothing as best as building up your man yourself.
- And you will forever earn his respect ✌✌✌.
I hope this piece of advice is useful to all singles and married? π
Beloveth; When you have God as the Referee or Umpire of your life, You have nothing to fear! He will never make a call that will put you at a loss. He is the referee that can never fail. In fact, He is a Referee that is on your side! Yes, in this game of life, if God be for you, who and what can be against you? Nothing and Nobody! All things will work in your favour! He is not just Referee, He is also your Coach. That is why the spirit of God is saying to you today, that in these remaining days of 2018, your victory is certain. You cannot be defeated; The Referee is on your side! Good morning!
Friday, 6 April 2018
Beloveth; What you desire and trust God for is what you should incline your ear unto. Reject and decline any other voice or report -no matter what is happening! Oh! His words are full of faith, hope and light. Refuse discouragement and refuse to be distracted and tempted into paying attention to other voices no matter how loud they seem. Yes! They will pass away! The only voice or thing that will never pass away is the Word of God! Incline to the Word! Decline others! Good morning!
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Beloveth; No matter what life throws at you, you must bend or determine to lean towards His sayings - The Word! In the remaining days of this year, if you're going to hear God clearly, you will have to discipline yourself to pay attention and bend towards what is written in the word - The Bible. You can't incline your ears to the newspapers and expect to hear God's voice! You can't incline your ears to the doctor's report and expect to hear God's voice! If you are trusting God for healing, etc, then you need to incline your ear to the voice of healing in the Word. Incline to the Word and decline other evidence of circumstances! Good morning!
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Beloveth; To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. Simply Amazing! Refuse to be held in any kind of demonic prison of hurt and resentment as 2018 progresses. Let go of everything, forgive and move on with your life. Your future is brighter than every ugly thing that people have done or said to you in the past. I am led to repeat: Don't be kidnapped by your past! Let go and let God! Good morning!
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Beloveth; When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free. The devil is on a wild mission to hurt you, deceive you, and stop you from moving forward in life, family and ministry. And one of the tools he uses is stirring others to offend you! If he can't stop you from praying, attending church meetings, fasting, giving, living holy, and doing every good thing that you have learnt to do, he is going to use the people that you love to get to you. This is why forgiveness is important. yes! It is extremely important! If you cannot be offended, there is nothing the devil can use to stop you. If you refuse to be hurt or offended by what people say or do to you or about e, you have become unstoppable. You become a hard nut for the kingdom of darkness to crack! Hear the words of Jesus, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Even on the cross, He refused to be offended. Good morning.
Monday, 2 April 2018
Beloveth; There are two things that love does: Love gives, and love forgives. When you reach out to someone in forgiveness, it doesn't mean that you approve of what he/she has done. It doesn't mean that you want them to do it again. Reaching out in forgiveness means that you value the love that God has for that person and you want to be a channel through which that love flow to them. Someone said, holding on to hurt and wishing/praying that something bad happens to the person that has hurt you is like drinking poison and hoping that another person dies. Unforgiveness is poisonous, and it is a demonic tool designed to stop you from your decoration. You are the one it hurts; not the person that has hurt you! Refuse to drink that poison! Note this bitter reality: When you continue being bitter and plan for revenge, you put yourself in God's because He says: Vengeance is mine! Happy new month!
Sunday, 1 April 2018
Beloveth; Rejoice and shout for joy, because the stone of death, fear, rejection, sickness, poverty, depression, has been rolled away. Behold He's alive. He broke the chains of death. Hallelujah! Happy new month! Happy Easter!
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