
Friday, 9 February 2018


Beloveth; The Holy Ghost is saying to you this morning that no matter what is happening around your life and ministry, you are not defeated till you lose your patience! Give God time! Yes, God can do anything and take you over the mountains that seem impossible, but you must be patient. Patience and time are necessary for your heart's desires to manifest! Determine to be patient this year /beyond! Keep seeing the possibilities around you. After the storm, comes the Rainbow. After the dry season comes the rain! After defeat, another chance is available! After sin comes forgiveness! After the night comes the day! Problems are guidelines not stop lines! Refuse to rush ahead out of fear! Time is on your side because God owns the time! Trust God! Refuse to give up! Still wait for Him! Time and God are miracle workers! Wait, wait I say on the Lord! Good morning!

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